POST OFFICE CLERK: Good afternoon, •lady •madam.
ANNE: How •many •much does it •cost •spend to send a letter to Italy, please?
CLERK: •In •By air?
ANNE: Yes.
CLERK: Twelve pence.
ANNE: •I •I'll have a twelve pence stamp, please.
CLERK: Here •are you •you are.
ANNE: Thankyou. How •much •long will the letter •take? •spend?
CLERK: Three days.
ANNE: I want •send •to send postcards to Spain, Belgium and Poland.
CLERK: •It's •There's a ten pence •for •on a postcard to anywhere in Europe.
ANNE: Three ten pence stamps, please.
CLERK: Here •are you •you are.
... Where are you sending that parcel?
ANNE: To London.
CLERK: •Put •Take it on the scales, please.
... •There's •That's eighty-five pence.
Twelve and thirty and eighty-five...That's one pound, twenty-seven pence •altogether •together.